Bible Reading Plans

“Man must not live on bread alone but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.” - Matthew 4:4

The Bible is God’s Word to us. By reading the Bible, we come to know God better, become more intimate in a relationship with Him, understand His will for our lives, experience His transforming presence, and much, much more.

Gospels In 30 Days

Read through Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. This plan organizes 2-3 chapters per day to complete in 30 days.

New Testament In 90 Days

Read through the New Testament; Matthew to Revelation. This plan organizes 2-3 chapters per day to complete all 27 books in 90 days.

Old Testament In 180 Days

Read through the Old Testament; Genesis to Malachi. This plan organizes 4-6 chapters per day to complete all 39 books in 180 days.

Whole Bible In 2 Years

Read through the entire bible, Old and New Testaments. This plan organizes all 66 books into 104 weeks or 2 years.