Take Your Next Steps

Discipleship is a life-long process. No one is perfect and everyone needs transformation, and it is be our pleasure to walk with you on this journey as a child of God.

So, get involved. Take a step. Let’s do this together.


What is salvation?

Following Jesus is the most important decision of your life! This inward change starts your journey and new life in Jesus Christ.


What is baptism?

Baptism is an exciting experience. It’s a personal decision to illustrate your complete surrender to Jesus Christ.


What is church membership?

Becoming a church member is making a commitment to the church. It’s a decision to stop being a guest to becoming a family member.


Join a group

A believer’s life is better together. We have many groups available so you can learn, fellowship, serve, and pray with church family.


Join a team

Just like Jesus served others, so we serve others by volunteering our time, talents, and spiritual gifts.


Tithes and offering

Although God abundantly blesses us, we obey God’s Word by giving our tithes and offering. It’s impossible to out give God.